Announcement on our 10/2 “Unreliable Witness” CD release party

The full LSB rocking fully at Circus Pinecus 2021. Photo by Stephen Sylvanie.

Happy September, LSB fans! It’s time for an announcement around our October 2nd CD release party for Unreliable Witness. Let’s start by reiterating how excited we are to play songs from this new album, and to celebrate with three* other bands who are releasing records that same night – exactly one month from tonight! (Hey – tickets are still just $10 in advance!)

As we prepare for the big night, the health and safety of the band, Amsterdam staff, and our fans is of the utmost importance to us. After discussions with Amsterdam leadership, we have decided to require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test (within 72 hours) for attending this show. We will also encourage following industry, local or national guidance surrounding the wearing of masks. We are all vaccinated and will be taking additional steps toward keeping everyone healthy and safe, and we hope you will do the same. Toward that end, we want to stress that for any of our shows, if you feel even slightly ill, please stay home. As much as we’d miss you, the safety of you and your fellow fans is more important than any show. If you need a refund for this show for any reason, please reach out an we will find a way to make that happen.

We know this is a difficult time for everyone, and we did not reach this decision lightly. As a band, we strongly feel the best way to be prepared for all situations is to get vaccinated, and we wanted our celebration of Unreliable Witness to reflect that position. We hope to see you there!

*Correction: our original post mistakenly said “four other bands”. There are four bands total on the bill, including us. Mike has been flogged for the error.

Check out our latest video from “Unreliable Witness”

“Rusting in the Rain”, shot on location at Farmhouse Records

Welcome to the winter of our malcontent….uh…discontent…uhhh…what content were we we promoting? Oh yes, that’s right, our NEW content! Yes, you heard that right, brand-spanking NEW deliciousness for your eyeballs and eardrums is above!

Mike D. here for the Lazy Susan Band, and I’m pleased to bring you this video today on behalf of my fellow hombres. I gotta admit, this is one of my favorite songs on “Unreliable Witness“, and I’m super excited that we got to film this video at Farmhouse Records in River Falls, Wisconsin. It was the perfect setting for this song, and Jason Narverud from Cute Fox Studios nailed it again with his direction.

Like many of our musical compadres, we’re hunkered down in the woodshed at the moment. For many musicians, that’s a metaphor, but for me, I actually have a pile of wood in a shed out back that I need to take care of. For the rest of the guys, writing songs, appearing on our weekly Wednesday night live streams (on the BookFace doncha know), and getting ready to record our next record is occupying our pandemic winter.

Much as I like to engage in some levity here on the home page, all of us in the LSB sincerely hope you are staying safe this holiday season so one day we can see you again in person, with beats in the air, harmonies on the wind, and drinks in the bellies. In the meantime, enjoy our videos, recommend our tunes to a friend, and take excellent care of one another.