You can buy our CDs at our live shows, buy them directly from us, or download them from iTunes or Amazon. We are also on Spotify and you can stream many of our songs on Reverb Nation (previews and links further down on this page).
Our records on iTunes:
- Our newest full-band release EP, Waitin’ on Better Weather (2022)
- J. Bell’s self-titled solo EP (2022)
- “All to Say” from this record has been described by musician/critic Ether Diver as “Extremely polished pop/rock with some tasty guitar, a catchy chorus and excellent production. Rooted in pop Americana, but not so rootsy it’s rustic nor so poppy it’s saccharine.” Read the full review.
- Unreliable Witness (2020)
- This is our latest full-band, full-length record, technically released at the start of the pandemic, and then finally celebrated in late 2021. Want to know more? Check out this Q&A with J.Bell written by Carol Roth from Adventures in Americana. Carol notes that “pretty wide range of influences shine through” on Unreliable Witness, and we agree!
- Greetings from Apocalyptic Falls (2018)
- Underneath a Minnesota Moon (2016)
- $80 Whiskey (2013)
- Something Else Entirely (2006)
- you…up in lights (2003)
Reverb Nation Streams
From Underneath a Minnesota Moon, Fade:
Just because you are awesome and you visited our website, here is a FREE download of the EP album “Heart Like a Disco Ball“.
From $80 Whiskey, Win You Over Yet:
Also from $80 Whiskey, Mae I:
From Something Else Entirely, If I Had My Way:
Also from Something Else Entirely, Missing:
Digging deep into our catalog…
From Live at Docs Landing, I Won’t Listen Then:
From you…up in lights, On The Line:
From J.Bell & BPZ’s long-lived group Doc’s Kids, “If Santa Was a Hipster”:

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