Our latest album is available for sale, along with all kinds of other goodies! Check out the details below, pile up what you want in your shopping cart, and we’ll get it shipped to you ASAP. We add a small shipping charge to each order to recover our costs.
(Tip: Click on an album cover to see a track listing from Amazon, where available.)
Check Out
Make your selections below and your shopping cart will update here (the page will refresh).
5-song EP CDs ($5 each)
Waitin’ on Better Weather (2022)
j.bell solo (2022)
Album-length CDs ($10 each)
Unreliable Witness (2020)
Greetings From Apocalyptic Falls (2018)
Underneath a Minnesota Moon (2016)
$80 Whiskey (2013)
Something Else Entirely (2006)

You…up in lights (2003)

New! 2022 T Shirts ($20 each)
We’ve got new t-shirts! Email jbell for details or come see us at a show!

2020 T Shirts ($20 each)

Ladies – choose a color & size
- Small
- Medium
- Large
Light Gray
- Small
- Medium
- Large
Men’s – choose a color & size
- Small
- Medium
- Large
- XLarge
- XXLarge
Light Gray
- Small
- Medium
- Large
- XLarge
- XXLarge
Limited Quantities – Dark Gray
We have limited quantities and size choices of the dark gray color shown below. Here’s what we have left:
- Men’s Small
- Men’s Medium
- Ladies Large

JBLSB Can Coozie/Coolie ($5)

We’ll e-mail you for details on these ones:
- Basic: Any CD + Tshirt + Coozie ($30)
- Mega Fan Bundle: All 6 CDs + Tshirt + Coozie + Coaster + Stickers ($60)