Hey there, Lazy Susan Band faithful, it’s your (least?) favorite bass player Mike D. here! As I’m writing this post, it’s exactly one month until our big Aster Cafe show with Art Vandalay, and I’m super excited. But I’ve scheduled the post to be published later in the month, so as you’re reading it, the lovely month of April is within sight! And what better way to welcome spring than with some live rock ‘n’ roll?
If you agree there is NO better way, you’ll be glad to hear that the LSB is giving you four different chances to see us in the first two weeks of April – at No Neck Tony’s (Trio in Lake Elmo, j. bell solo in Stillwater), Carbone’s (Trio), and the Aster Cafe (Full Band).
Perhaps best of all, if you haven’t heard, is that j.bell worked with some pals over the winter to create a brand new solo EP titled simply “j. bell”, chock full of new arrangements of brand new songs, most of which we’ve never played in public. You can check out these songs over at reverbnation.com right now – they are the first five listed. And if that weren’t enough, as a release celebration, the LSB will be playing all five of those songs at our Aster Cafe show April 9th! (The guys from Art Vandalay are releasing their record that night, too!)
So, we hope you’ll join us at some or all of these shows – all the details you need are over on our Events page.