Hey there and hello, fans of j.bell and the Lazy Susan Band, it’s bassist and website-slinger Mike D. here, delivering you the unfortunate news that yes, the “dog days of summer” are here. And we’ve been resting for most of July, so you can’t blame all the heat and smoke in the air this past week on any of Justin’s face-melting solos. However, you can be sure that we’ll be prepared to help you cool down this coming month with a boatload of chances to see us!
Well, most of us anyway – for Kent and me, this coming Friday’s full band show at Carbone’s in Minneapolis will be your last chance to see us on stage before our October CD release party for Unreliable Witness. (Tickets on sale now!) But after that, you’ll have no less than SIX chances to see the LSB Trio play – in Lake Elmo, Stillwater, Winona, La Crescent, Red Wing, and River Falls, Wisconsin – phew! If you’re having a hard time keeping track of all that, like I am, head on over to our Events page for the details, or if you’re so inclined, follow us on the Book of Faces where we also post our events.
So, really, while we can be pretty sure August will be hot here in the upper Midwest, there’s nothing stopping you from finding one of these watering holes for a cool drink and some refreshing song singin’ to get you through. And we promise to keep a fire extinguisher nearby in case smoke starts coming out of our instruments.