Well, who woulda thunk it 6 months ago, folks, but it looks like live music is back in Minnesota! That’s right, clubs are booking shows, the weather is getting warmer (making it easier to socially distance and ventilate), and your very own Lazy Susan band has multiple live performances scheduled in May, June, and July!
It all starts off May 1 at Cafe Latte in St. Paul, where J. Bell will be performing solo, much like his many live streams over the past year…but he won’t be bringing his “fake live audience clap track”, so you’ll just have to show up and cheer in between bites of your delicious desserts!
We follow that with two LSB Trio shows in River Falls and Minneapolis, and at least one public full band performance in June. Check out our events page for details, and stay tuned for hopefully more announcements this summer!