Greetings Lazy Susan fans! Friendly neighborhood bassist and webmaster Mike D. here, checking in on the second day of #StayHomeMN and hoping you all are washing your coughs and covering your hands. Or, something like that. (Please don’t rely on us for medical advice!)
Anyway, I think the above photo sums up the range of emotions we’ve been feeling as a band lately: concerned, exasperated, and laughing uncontrollably at our collective absurd fate. Hey, at least it hasn’t been boring!
And this weekend, we’re sharing some of the good news that we have:
- First, “Unreliable Witness” is now available for purchase on all your favorite digital platforms like iTunes and cdBaby …we’ll get more links up here eventually but search for it and you ought to be able to find it! You can also order a physical copy, along with some sweet gear, on our new merchandise page.
- Also, our CD release party at the Amsterdam Bar and Hall has been rescheduled for July 10th. All of the original acts we signed up for our first attempt are on board for the new date, so hold on to those tickets and mark your calendars!
- Finally, to mark the occasion of our originally planned release date of 4/4, we’re planning on some kind of live stream like J. Bell has been doing on Facebook Live. Follow us over there for details coming this week.
On a parting note, I know I’ve made some lame attempts at humor in this post, but in all seriousness, we hope you are staying safe and watching out for each other. These are difficult times and we know the situation is not a laughing matter. But we also know that music can bring us together…even if we have to stand 6 feet apart. Take care of yourselves!