Greetings from Apocalypt— uh, I mean, greetings from Minnesota! Hello, Lazy Susan fans, it’s your friendly neighborhood bass player Mike D. here, logging in to let you know that I am indeed alive, despite my brush with the incredibly deadly Botswanan Bass Flu last week. Aided by the miracles of modern pharmacology, I was able to beat the odds and stay awake for more than a few hours in order to play our CD release party at Can Can Wonderland. And I know I speak for the band when I say “THANK YOU!!!” to all of those who joined us for the show. Your hearty cheers and undivided attention made us all feel like rock stars, and probably kept me upright.
I don’t know if I’ve ever played a show like that. Because the “concept” behind our album “Greetings from Apocalyptic Falls” was the imminent end of the world, we tried to set the stage, stay very serious during the set, and even pretend that our cell phones might hold the answers. It was very difficult not to interact with our devoted crowd, who cheered as the took the stage and stayed engaged throughout the set. What a relief it was to rock out in our more traditional manner for the second set and to let you all know how much you mean to us!
And as if that weren’t enough, the fabulous Nick Hensley closed out our night and made everyone feel warm and fuzzy with his sweet buttery gravel voice and amazing songs. We’re not sure how we’re going to top that night!
OK, maybe we won’t actually try to top May 19th…but we’re certainly not done playing! In fact, we’ve lined up a boatload of shows in June and July, as you can see on our Events page. It all starts the very first day of June at Flat Earth Brewery in St. Paul. This will be the rare full-band, early start (6:30 pm), family-friendly show, and we hope you’ll join us!
The world won’t end if you don’t…but it might seem a little flatter. 😉